Pretty and Paid. :)
We've had Va$htie on our radar for quite some time, but this time she's making headlines for a different reason. Recently, she became the first female to design her own pair of Jordan's. If you weren't aware of who she will be soon enough. She's cornered just about every market: film, the New York night life, fashion, but mostly important SNEAKERS! So before I go on a tangent about how awesome Va$htie is, I'm just gonna show you guys why...ok?
Va$htie's Jordan 2's
Wiz Khalifa
Attention: Fans, Groupies, and Posers! Here is Wiz Khalifa Interview for your viewing pleasure. :)
Wiz Khalifa Interview With ImFlashy from on Vimeo.
Brought to you by
What's going on kiddies? This is Kylie speaking, here to tell you a story about what happened to me last week at a smoking session. Yes a smoking session with someone i thought was my "friend" and
would have my best interest at heart.

The moral of this story is to be aware. Always know where you are headed and pay attention to your surroundings. I will never be that high or that drunk around people i do not know. I will not be that girl. Know the company you keep. My roomate doesn't smoke or drink but she was there and i trust her. Everybody is not your friend and people will not always have your best interest at heart. One good thing to go by when you're out is to think as if you are the only one. If you're not watching then who will. I woke up scared the next morning wondering what could have happened that night and i'm glad i was alert. Don't ever get caught slipping.
Bad Ass vs. Bad...Ass -__-
This Week: Texting!
Typically we save these posts for fashion nightmares, but lately I've encountered some texting mishaps that I feel must be attended to.
1. When you receive a text from a close friend/BF/GF
Do: Respond back immediately (5 minute maximum)
Don't: Ignore the message because you will run into this motherfucker again and nine times out of ten...they're going to call you out!
2.When you receive a text from someone that pissed you off
Do: Hit them with the "who is this?" text, this is guaranteed to get anyone salty.
Don't: Respond like everything is cool because IT'S NOT!
3.When you receive the "LOL", "K", or "Alright" response.
Do: Take that as the end of the convo
Don't: Reply. I mean really what can you possible say after "Alright"?!
4.When you're over the age of 13
Do: Keep your texts classy.
Don't: Add a signature (ex. Zone 6 Princess) I don't want to read this shit after every text i get from you.
5. When you have an iPhone or Blackberry
Do: Double check that the message actually sent.
Don't: Assume that it did and get pissed off when you don't get a response.
*Additional Reminders*
Some things are just WAY too much to text, so you should probably go ahead and make that call, if your text messages are going to be 10 pages long. -___-
You can never have too many friends.
College is all about networking. Like a wise man once said "It's not always about what you know, but sometimes who you know." I personally think that everyone serves a purpose. Even if the reasoning is as miniscule as to make me laugh or as lage as being my personal chauffer haha, everyone is here with some acts in mind. **Disclaimer- we are not promoting using people to get what you want and need, we are simply saying that close ties to people of these assessts make things a little bit better.
Friends with Cars
During your first year of college, many schools do not permit students to drive their first year. This puts all freshamn in the same stranded category. Its good to have a few upper classmen "big sisters" and "big brother" who wouldn't mind showing you the ropes and helping you make that weekly walmart run.
riends during your lunch period
Maybe they won't be the newest edition to your crew of ride or dies, but they will be good for those lunch hours where your pals are in class..and you aren't. Find someone you see often and just sit down. most people are pretty nice in college so they won't turn you away. If the friendship sparks fly you've got you a new lunch pal!
Friends in your classses
This will be one of the most important connects. This helps you stay abreast in your classes in case you miss a day or you don't understand the material. This is also handy for study groups, making no excuses for you to fall behind.
Friends with your Professor
Yea i said it. It is very important for you to establish some kind of relationship with your professor. They need to know your face if not your name. Make sure you actually show up to class so they can get accustomed to seeing you amongst the crowd. No need to do the extra and become a suck up, but participate in class and sit in the front. Remember your reflecting attitude could determine the difference in a letter grade.
Lace is a DANGEROUS thing!
The ladies of Grit & Glam love the lace trend that is out now. It can be worn in a variety of ways and proves that lace isn't just something reserved for the bedroom, but something that can be worn out, adding just the right amount of sex appeal (and we're all about sex appeal here :))....
....however with good comes bad -__-
Please don't let us catch you looking like this!
It's Fall Bitches!
Ok so its not fall yet, but its approaching and it will be here before you know it. So I feel like its our duty to prepare you for what is probably the BEST time of year for fashion. You're probably wondering why I said that. If you must know...fall colors (Amazing), fall boots, sweaters, and it marks the appropriate return of leather. Wait! I'm not finished. Prepare to have your mind blown. Peep can STILL wear your summer clothes. Yes I said it. That romper you bought, dress it up with tights, and a blazer...perfection. And thats only one example. Your summer tanks can be matched with jean jackets or an even trendier cardigan. Still not convinced? Well here are ways to enjoy fall and look good doing it.
The Lookbook
The Must-Have Accessories